Shri Mataji's 100th Birthday Celebration

Celebrating 100 Years – 21 Day meditation courses (International)

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Celebrating 100 Years – 21 Day meditation courses (International)

On 21st March 2023, we commemorate the 100th Year of Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi’s Birthday.

To celebrate this auspicious event, 21 Day Meditation Courses will be offered in various languages for those who wish to learn and experience Sahaja Yoga meditation. Courses will be in English, Mandarin Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, Arabic and other languages and will be hosted on Zoom and YouTube (with daily recordings) and are aimed at newcomers and regular meditators.

Courses start on 2nd March 2023, with daily 1 to 2 hour daily sessions for 21 days. The aim is for seekers to conclude the course on Shri Mataji’s birthday (21st March 2023) so they may be spiritually receptive to the week of music programs that will start on that day.

Ongoing one-on-one mentoring and support will be offered to all course attendees.

Public visitors to our 100 Years website, between now and March 2023, can join online programs and receive their Self Realisation. There’s also a 24/7 channel, streaming courses that are hosted by international collectives.

Please check details at:

More about our 21 Day Courses:

Contact us at: [email protected]

Categories: 100M Self Realisation


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