Shri Mataji’s House Heritage Project, New Jersey, USA

Jai Shri Mataji!
Dear Family,
Shri Mataji’s House in New Jersey is one of the few places in the Vishuddhi of the Virata that Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti saw fit to establish a physical abode for Herself in Her ceaseless efforts for the liberation and enlightenment of America. This hallowed ground in New Jersey represents not only a place where She would reside but is an expression of Her desire and divine inspiration in physical form, as She Herself designed every nuance and detail of this place which we are so blessed to act as stewards for the generations to come.
Shri Dnyaneshwara, referred to Pandharpur, the abode of Shri Vitthal, and Shri Rukmini in Maharashtra, India, as his ‘maher’, or place of maternal origins. For him, as well as other great saints over the centuries, that abode has always been a place where Divinity resides as a very real presence. Precisely similar sentiments were universally experienced by Sahaja Yogis all over the world whenever they visited any of the abodes of our Divine Mother. In keeping with those profoundly spiritual values embedded in our collective personal experiences, an attempt is being made to create that very sense of a ‘living presence’ of Shri Mataji in the abode She so lovingly built in Ridgefield Park, NJ. Every visitor to this abode should feel Shri Mataji’s presence therein as if She is in residence. That whenever they visit this sacred ground, they are in fact ‘coming home’ to their MOTHER.
To realize part of this vision we have embarked on a unique project to memorialize Shri Mataji’s legacy and Her efforts for the emancipation of America in a format of a Heritage Museum on the second floor of the Abode. This Museum exhibit will narrate the unique relationship Shri Mataji had with the US as a country and its people for over 3 decades and also provide a seeker with the opportunity to learn about the life and achievements of Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yoga. It is envisioned that the visitors who enter it – literally feel the proximity to Shri Mataji – and explore the different facets of Her Divine personality, Her work, and her travels in the United States.
In order to do full justice to this vision, Shri Mataji’s House Team wished to involve a professional museum and exhibit design company that can bring in their expertise to materialize a truly world class interactive experience. To this effect, a Request for Proposal (RFP) was drafted (attached herein) and sent to three firms in the NY/NJ Area. The team has received a proposal from one firm – Lorem Ipsum corp –
Below is a recording of a national call that was held with the US collective for a more detailed update on the project and the design company’s proposal.
Here is the link to the meeting recording.
There are various ways in which the collective can help and participate in realizing this project. We will share with you more details and how to submit your ideas shortly.
With love and respect,
The Shri Mataji’s NJ House Team & USA VND council